Fry is most Democratic voters. The Slurm is the middle-aged white male centrist candidate. Leela is the progressive woman running in opposition. We all need to be more like Leela.
I hate Slack threading.
What’s amazing about Warren’s candidacy was that it was passionately supported nearly universally in my Twitter feed. That’s both a small sample size and a bubble to boot, but I’ve never seen one candidate inspire across the board like she has.
This goes beyond Bernie and Warren. Progressives aren’t just voting for our next presidential nominee, we are voting for influence in a party that for the last 40 years has been dogmatically centrist.
My most cynical criticism of the Democratic Party is that they like to run on ideas, but are too timid to actually execute them. It explains why they embrace Joe Biden and not Elizabeth Warren.
Browser relationship status: it’s complicated.
Posting to Twitter from my WordPress blog using a Webmention and Bridgy. That’s cool.
How about now?
Will this work?
Now to see if reconnecting Bridgy helps.