“Unlimited vacation” is a perfect example of how American labor has regressed. It’s a “perk” that puts the onus on workers to figure out how much time off they should take, all while giving complete discretion to management.
I would be all over this if my 3-year-old didn’t necessitate hiding all remotes, making my iPhone the only remote at hand.
It’s sites like this that inspired me to make this comic. https://jackwellborn.com/comics/adtechsupport/adtechsupport.html
Who else is waiting for the media to make a scandal out of Biden undertipping or some shit like that while Trump tries to burn down democracy?
(Adds breakpoint to pretty-printed code.) Doesn’t work. 😞
(Adds breakpoint to non-pretty-printed code.) Works. 😅
(Attempts to make breakpoint conditional.) Debugger immediately changes focus and hides prompt before I can provide conditional criteria. 😫
Self proclaimed defenders of liberty: right wing gun nuts.
Actual defenders of liberty: the ACLU.
The Far Right Trump Card
I recently commented this Tweet by @BriannaWu that quotes FDR. My comment in full:
FDR is by no means a perfect figure, but how the far-right vilifies him on all matters really illustrates their fascist roots.
That turned out to be an understatement. Within minutes I experienced a small handful of far-right responses vilifying FDR on all matters. Most of the vilification came from FDR’s very real authorization of Executive Order 9066, which forced Japanese American citizens into internment camps. There is no debate that the interment of American citizens was an inhumane and horrible act. I could have been more specific when I call him an imperfect figure, but then again my whole tweet was a generalization to make a point that was ultimately proven right by these very responses.
While most are willing to debate the merits of our country’s various leaders in spite of their faults, those on the far-right aren’t interested in debate. They don’t really care about Japanese interment camps during World War II. We know this because our current president gets approval from 91% of Republicans despite (or maybe because of) his repeated support for horrific detention of immigrant families. The far right merely sees the tragedy of Japanese interment camps as nothing more than a trump card they think can shut down debate about a progressive president who was both wildly popular and successful.
The far right doesn’t want to debate, because a debate on FDR is a debate on Social Security, the FDIC, and the G.I. Bill to name a few. Actually debating FDR on all matters is a losing proposition. The far right knows this, so they deal with FDR the same they do with any losing position. They find a trump card, and they use it over and over again in a meager attempt to shut down any debate.
What’s Lupin doing here?
Me: “Hey package manager, please downgrade this package.”
PM: “Sure thing! But first let’s…”
Me: “No…”
PM: “update all the packages…”
Me: “No!”
PM: “and their dependencies.”
Me: “NOO!”
In order to avoid getting fleeced, New York Times subscribers have to employ the same tactics used with cable providers.