I wonder if this sort of failure is still somehow more acceptable for web apps than native ones.
Maybe the NFL should have postponed their last game for more than a day?
Regardless of your opinion of Bill O’Brien, the timing of his firing is odd. Sure the Texans are 0 and 4, but they weren’t favored against Kansas City or Baltimore, and Pittsburgh is really good this year.
This is the exact sentiment I was feeling, even while laughing, while watching the SNL debate sketch. False equivalency necessarily benefits the worst candidate.
Finished HBO’s Watchmen this past week. While I suspect the original work’s influence on storytelling is impossible to understate, I feel like this sequel (and it is a sequel) is a better story.
While Heath Ledger’s Joker is still tops, his plan really makes no sense.
While the Times’s piece on Trump taxes is important, I think it’s important to recognize that not paying taxes actually puts him even higher in the eyes of his un-American sycophantic base.
Thinking about how Steven Universe and Utena are both stories about identity, but with very different journeys. Utena’s journey involves literally fighting a society that sees her queerness as a threat while Steven’s journey is one supported by queer role models.