Just Say “No” to Notifications and Desktop Shortcuts

The state of notifications reminds me of desktop shortcuts. Many Windows installers include an already checked checkbox to add the app’s shortcut to the desktop. Most users leave the option checked, I assume out of laziness or some weird fomo. This leads to a hilarious number of desktop shortcuts, almost none of which were ever explicitly added by the user. I suspect this also happens with notifications. Don’t want to be inundated with notifications or desktop shortcuts? Just say no.

Seeing pictures of Michael Oher in a Panthers uniform reminds how much I hate when news orgs ignorantly choose a photo of a player from whatever team they most recently played on, no matter how irrelevant. Oher is a Raven who freelanced at the tail end of his career.

Analogue Pocket with OpenFPGA + Dock + 8BitDo SN30 = 🧑‍🍳💋

Last year I ordered the Analogue Dock to go along with my OpenFPGA enabled Pocket. It finally arrived this week along a 2.4g 8BitDo SN30 (their SNES controller clone) and first impressions are 🧑‍🍳💋. My OLED lacks the visual characteristics of CRTs that benefit old games and nor is it truly zero latency, but this is by far the best classic gaming setup I’ve experienced outside of actual hardware. Latency, while not zero, is barely perceptible and there are zero graphical or sound glitches.

What’s Really Going On With Elon

Folks, I’ve cracked what’s really going on with Elon. Here’s what happened. In the mid-90s, the devil appeared and offered that kind of deal wherein Elon got some amount of money on the condition that he spend it all within 30 years. Elon thought he was in the clear after investing that original sum into various companies, but the devil reappeared last year to tell that he also has to spend the returns (that tricky devil!) and that his time was nearly up.

It’s the only logical explanation.