NFL commentariat after week 1: “Running the ball is a suckers game!”

NFL commentariat after the playoffs: “All of the teams that lost did so because they couldn’t stop the run.”

For god’s sake, do I really need to install a Powershell module just to fire a system notification?

(Context is that I run my Plex server from the gaming PC, and I am working on a batch script that incrementally copies new files to a backup disk.)

The Verge’s HomePod 2 First Impressions: They sound splendid and are comparably priced to similar offerings Amazon and Sonos. Here’s why that’s bad news for Apple.

Put another way, you’re no longer a blog in my mind if you’ve prioritized keeping readers on your site to the extent that they can’t easily navigate to the revelant sites you’re referencing.

One way blogs are different from typical websites is that blogs have the decency to put a link that goes to whatever relevant site up top instead of burying it after a bunch of links that look they go to the relevant site, but actually go to some bullshit page on their domain.

Seeing the Microsoft layoffs yesterday reminded me of this feeling that I’ve been having, that these massive layoffs and the hiring boom before it were more driven by fashion than anything else.

A host of a football podcast I enjoy lamented how Twitter today isn’t even good for news because now he mostly sees Tweets from 10 to 24 hours ago. I found the observation particularly scathing, especially because it came from someone who isn’t your typical Twitter observer.

Seeing a Mastodon post get a decent amount of attention after a similar Tweet barely got noticed really taps into a paranoid sense that I was being suppressed by Twitter’s algorithm.

I mean… it’s probably just that Mastodon has a different, nerdier audience, right? RIGHT!? 👀💧

I get why folks are optimistic on AI. Technologically, I am too. What I am pessimistic about is how cultures will respond to machines suddenly being able to do more kinds of work, especially here in the U.S., where we lack safety nets and human value is equated to work ethic.