Universal Control wasn’t working for me since upgrading to macOS 13.3 earlier this week. It’s such a fundamental part of how I work that macOS felt totally broken without it. Hat tip to TheTipsyRooster on Reddit for finding a solution.

Having finally played through Super Metroid, I now think calling its genre “Metroidvania” does a disservice to the game. With all due respect to Symphony of the Night, a game that I also love, Super Metroid clearly is the game that defined the genre. It’s truly a masterpiece.

Having another recent call completely fail on me reminded how landlines used to be so reliable that any failure was cause for at least some concern that something went seriously wrong. Maybe there was an earthquake or intruders cut the phone line like in movies…

ToothFairy Can Automatically Improve Audio Quality by Disabling Audio Input from AirPods

How did I just now discover ToothFairy can automatically improve audio quality by disabling audio input from AirPods?! For those who may not know, AirPods and other wireless headsets use lower quality audio when their mic is in use. This means the people you hear on a given Zoom sound worse and you sound like absolute garbage. As someone who works remote, I care about both deeply. Thank you @mjtsai!

ToothFairy Can Automatically Disable Airpod Input

Is there a way we can have daylight savings time, but without the time change?

While I knew Apple made it possible to edit messages last fall, it’s taken me this long to realize you can type command+e to edit the last message rather than go through the cumbersome process of right-clicking it. Progressive disclosure via the menu bar for the win! Edit Last Message

And what exactly is this hunk of man doing? Yard work with power tools? Home improvement, also with power tools? No… this brave soul is replacing the batteries of his house’s many, many smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.

(Not pictured are the ear plugs inside the muffs.)

Replacing batteries in smoke alarms requires serious ear protection.