In the court of public opinion, Republicans don’t really argue that low taxes for the wealthiest is good policy. Instead, they talk about fairness, bootstraps, and the Boston tea party. This framing is nefariously effective at putting the opposition on the defense. /2
Republicans are very good of framing whatever cause as necessary to defend some American standard from some bygone golden age. It doesn’t matter that both the standard and the golden age never really existed. /1
It’s folly to argue for change when what you are up against is a culture that fears just that, especially when what you’re arguing for really is going back to the way things were (see income tax rages circa 1955.)
Today there will be regular and/or post season games from MLB, the NBA, the NFL and the NHL.
Has that ever happened before?
And yet at least 40% of this country will vote for this narcissistic conman lest privileges they’ve enjoyed for generations become available to those that look different from themselves.
“Commission-Theft” is the name of my next band with “Functionality” being our debut album.
“Time Flies”?
I think we all know what Apple is really going to announce next week.
As someone who is used to seeing apps that don’t support high resolutions upscaled in macOS, it’s weird seeing these tiny windows on Windows 10.
Now feels like a good time to once again share my (newly reworded) definition of shit happens bias.
Shit Happens Bias – When a news organization pointedly covers even the smallest impropriety from Democrats while dismissing overt corruption from Republicans as the accepted norm.
Random reckon: Most of us first watched the early Bond films decades after they were made, which unintentionally sets them in a bygone era. They should consider setting any remakes in a more recent bygone era.
Or they could just make more Atomic Blonde films. @AntonyJohnston