Hey everyone, I think you should fire Trump this November even if you don’t like his potential backfill.

Have a nice weekend.

Can a native Mac code editor really be that much better? Here’s the idle memory usage of @Panic‘s Nova, Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code, and Intelli-J’s IDEA with one project open.



IntelliJ IDEA

(Contemplates replacing “as a __________, I would like the __________ to…” boilerplate for user stories with “in a world…”.)

My theory about Brady is that while he’s stayed remarkably young physically, he’s seemingly gotten temperamentally inflexible with age. He went from elevating whatever pieces around him to only truly working with an increasingly narrow few.

He’s still the GOAT though.

Biden wasn’t my first choice either, but one thing I have noticed is that his campaign is the one defining what’s American and offering a defense to what’s clearly not. /fin

Even though it’s just as easy to the same thing with progressive policies. “Remember when you could just go to a doctor? What happened to the friendly neighborhood police officer? You used to be able buy a house near work and have good schools.” /4