The stock CPU fan on my PC started sounding like a leaf blower whenever some background task used any significant CPU so I upgraded to a Noctua.

Temps went from ~70°C to ~30°C while playing Dishonored 2.

RPMs went from (if I recall correctly) over 2000 to less than 600.

I was just thinking how fashionable frameworks required by most JavaScript positions encourage JavaScript engineers to promote them at their current company just so they can add them to their resume, thus creating even more positions that require fashionable frameworks.

The Inelegent Cleverness of Thunderbolt Display Support on Desktop PCs

I can’t think of a better example of the inelegent cleverness of PCs than Thunderbolt/USB-C display support. Using Thunderbolt to connect displays seems relatively common on modern PC laptops, but the main way to accomplish it on PC desktops seems to involve connecting the graphics card to either the motherboard or an expansion card using an external DisplayPort cable.

I was raking leaves over the weekend and was thinking how it’s a good metaphor for some tasks. Like raking, a lot of professional work is often about weighing quality of the result with diminishing returns to create a definition of done.